
September 23, 2024. Side session: “Mobilizing Africa’s 6th Region: Helping Educate & Skill Africa for the 21st Century” 

Hosting institutions: Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the UN, United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP) Regional Bureau for Africa, African Union Mission to the United Nations, and Office of HBCU
Development and International Cooperation (OHBCUD).
Participants: Senior African leaders, prominent scholars, development practitioners, development
partners, leadership from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the USA, and civil
society representatives will be invited to participate in-person and virtually.


UNGA NY FINALPresentation_2024-OHBCUD 9.23.2024

February 26-5 April 2024:  Human Rights Council, OHCHR Special Procedures, Item 4 General Debate and Item 9 General Debate

And the state governments of HAWAII and ALASKA

Addressing denial of justice concerning title to land and property and rejecting the wrongful exercise of jurisdiction by the US authorities in Alaska and Hawaii, in particular, the Routh Bolomet case and Alaska litigation quiet title cases. .more

October 6, 2023. Side session, Human Rights Council: HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS

Peoples pursuing their right of self-determination in the United Nations Decolonization process or through Security Council resolutions struggle for freedom against oppression and racist apartheid regimes. Complicit State ‘democracies’ stigmatize human rights defenders as terrorists, enemies of the state or traitors, cloaking State responsibility by claims of “national security” or denying responsibility by claiming non-interference within the domestic sphere of a State. The Convention Against Torture (CAT) and the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) can recommend to address violations. How effective are UN mechanisms that serve to protect peoples under the Secretary Generals’ reports on reprisals, the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights
Defenders, the President of the Human Rights Council implement protection of reprisals? Can the OHCHR be mandated to request Special Procedures to assist peoples pursuing United Nations’ protection for human rights defenders, including in its reports?.more 

September 13, 2023. Side session, UNGA Meeting: “Africa’s Sixth Region: Building Educational, Financial, and Development Partnerships to Promote 2030 SDGs & AU Agenda 2063

Hosting institutions: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) South Africa Country Office, UNDP- Africa Sustainable Finance Hub, UNDP Bureau for Africa, Office of HBCU Development and International Cooperation (OHBCUD, Inc), Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) and the Department of Higher Education and Training


March 3, 2023. Side session, Human Rights Council: SELF-DETERMINATION AND HUMAN RIGHTS

The evolution of the right of self-determination led to the creation of the mandate system in the Treaty of Versailles that created the League of Nations. The decolonization that took place after World War II and the creation of the United Nations trusteeship system further developed the right of self-determination. Instruments of international human rights law and international humanitarian law further elaborated the right as did regional human rights instruments. The United Nations has also elaborated the right in several General Assembly resolutions, including the Declaration of Friendly Relations and the Declaration on the Right to Development. We explore how United Nations Security Council resolutions and Human Rights Council resolution 48/7 on the negative impact of the legacies of colonialism, might be utilized to address the right to self-determination of peoples. more

Oct 5, 2022. Side session: Self-determination at the Human Rights Council

The root of addressing colonialism, decolonization and the rise the legacies of colonialism to address the right of self-determination at the Human Rights Council is based on the oppression of peoples, the drive to protect against exploitation of territory and resources. From the Charter of the United Nations to General Assembly resolution 60/251 to resolution 5/1 creating the Human Rights Council, the right of self-determination is preserved. more

Sept 26-27, 2022. A 2-day HBCUs/UNDP Africa/African Union Summit. was held at the African Union Mission to the UN , during the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA). View video

Diaspora for Development Leveraging Africa’s Sixth Region to Realize the Continent’s Promise.

May 24, 2022.  Lil’wat elder James Louie, primary instigator of IHRAAM Petition to the IACHR, Edmonds vs. Canada, Case 12.929, personally hands documents re case to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as Trudeau visits site of an unmarked burial ground at the former Kamloops, B.C. residential school.  A video of the event can be viewed here:

March 17, 2022, INTERVENTION / Alfred de Zayas / Item 4-1D: Venezuela

THE INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN MINORITIES welcomes the oral update of High Commissioner Bachelet and the enhanced cooperation between the Office and the government of Venezuela, which today benefits from advisory services and technical assistance by the Caracas Office and other UN agencies.  In particular IHRAAM welcomes the direct contacts between the High Commissioner and President Maduro and the videoconference held on 14 March to review progress achieved, including in combatting the Covid pandemic. More

March 3, 2022,/ Alfred de Zayas / HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL: Special debate: UKRAINE

The International Human Rights Association of American Minorities deplores the loss of life in Ukraine, calls for an immediate cease-fire, prompt humanitarian assistance and rehabilitation of victims.

IHRAAM condemns the violation of the jus cogens prohibition of the use of force and deplores that in the recent past Article 2(4) of the UN Charter has been violated with impunity by states conducting military activities without approval of the Security Council against among others Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria and Somalia.  IHRAAM deplores the continued bombardment of civilians in Yemen, the world’s worst humanitarian disaster.  It notes the silence of the international community when Armenians of Nagorno Karabagh were victims of a Blitzkrieg that resulted in thousands of civilian deaths.

September 29, 2021 UNDP Africa-OHBCUD Summit 76th Session UN General Assembly (UNGA)
This 3rd annual international summit was focused on Leveraging African Resources to Finance Sustainable Post-COVID Recovery. As can be noted, key officials from both UNDP Africa, the African Union and the HBCU community provided comments. Closing remarks were also provided by Dr. Farid I. Muhammad (video recording – HBCU event record – YouTube )

September 28, 2021 Agriculture as a Driver of Africa’s & African Diaspora Development (Howard University & Brookings Institute)
Conference focused on Food Security, Economic Transformation, Human Development and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – (video recording) Panel of international experts with closing comments made by Farid as CEO of IHRAAM and Chairman OHBCUD.

July 17, 2021 HBCU-UNDP Africa International Virtual Assembly
This conference was designed to showcase Summer 2021 International Distance Learning Courses on African Descendant Economic Transformation, Human Rights & Self-Determination
(Click here to view the recording).

Side Event, 43rd session of the UN Human Rights Council, February 26, 2020.

Kashmiris Right to Self-Determination is recognised under the United Nations Security Council Resolutions. Indian Administered Jammu and Kashmir has been placed under military siege since 5 August 2019 with the intent to eradicate the popular freedom struggle. The siege continues to date; 206 days and counting.

The crime of genocide & The Indian Administered Jammu and Kashmir Scenario
Written statement to the UN Human Rights Council 43rd Session, submitted by International Human Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM), a non-governmental organization on the roster, February 18, 2020.

IHRAAM cosponsors
September 23-24, 2019 at the margins of the 74th Session of the UN General Assembly, with the UNDP Headquarters Regional Bureau for Africa, and the Core Planning Group–Office of HBCU Development and
International Cooperation, Inc.

42nd Session of UN Human Rights Council: HRAAM Co-sponsors “Kashmir Under Seige” event
September 12, 2019: Palais des Nations titled “Kashmir Under Siege”,at which Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Quereshi, Foreign Minister of Pakistan, was the guest speaker.

IHRAAM Co-sponsors “Kashmir: Champions of Peace” at the European Parliament (EP)

Brussels, July 12, 2019: in association with Organisation of Kashmir Coalition(OKC), with guest of Honour, Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed, Chairman Pakistan Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

41st Session of the UN Human Rights Council: Parallel IHRAAM and cosponsors side event

The distinguished panellists discussed the Kashmiris aspiration to have their fundamental human rights for peace and security achieved through extending their inalienable right to self-determination.

IHRAAM CEO Dr. Farid Muhammad with Dr. Ahmed Reid, Chair, UN Working Group on People of African Descent

Meeting during Consultation on the Permanent Forum for People of African Descent, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2019

IHRAAM CEO Dr. Farid Muhammad presents at BAPA+40 Side Event, Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Alliance of NGOs and CSOs for South-South Cooperation (ASSC) hosted an event on the sidelines of the Second High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation (BAPA+40).

Barrister Majid Tramboo, Conference on the Report of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the Situation of Human Rights in Kashmir
Held at the Palais des Nations, concurrent with the 40th session of the UN Human Rights Council.


Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/ Geechee Nation testifies before the United States House of Representatives Department of Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water, Oceans, and Wildlife.


IACHR Commissioner Judge Margarette May MaCauley and IHRAAM CEO Dr. Farid Muhammad, December 2018, at the Headquarters of the Organization of American States (OAS)

IHRAAM Representatives Attend South-South Global Thinkers Conference, New York
November 28-30, 2018

Representatives from 123 countries participated in this unique EXPO 2018. HBCU/PBI delegates attended as IHRAAM representatives, at the invitation of the Office for South-South Cooperation:


On October 19, 2018, a delegation of 33 senior administrative officials from a wide range of Historically Black Colleges and Universities attended a day-long Briefing at the United Nations with officials from 3 UN Agencies.


Roundtable was organised by a host of Non-Governmental Organisations(NGOs) outside the United Nations Human Rights Council to raise awareness about Indian Occupied Kashmir, highlighting cruelty, torture, blinding, rape and more.

Side session, United Nations Human Rights Council, September 22, 2018

UN Urged to Place Peoples’ Right to Self-Determination on the Agenda

UN 38th Human Rights Council : Side session, “Human Rights Globally, Promotion and protection of Human Rights are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Charter of the United Nations including peoples right to Self-Determination”


Here are samples of the remarkable fruits to date of CPG efforts during its 2017-2018campaign at numerous HBCUs and predominantly Black institutions (PBIs) of higher education (outreach to be widely expanded 2018-2019

Framework for a Declaration on the Promotion & Full Respect of Human Rights of People of African Descent presented 22nd Session of the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent (UN/WGEPAD) 19 – 23 MARCH, 2018.


ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES: Dr. Farid I. Muhammad replaces Diana Collier Kly as IHRAAM Chief Executive Officer. Diana Kly now serves as IHRAAM Chief Administrative Officer.

UN Working Group on Peoples of African Descent, Regional Meeting for Europe, Central Asia and North America, Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 23-25, 2017 attended by IHRAAM representative Onaje Muid.

Report delivered to CERD on behalf of LIl’wat Nation with regard to CERD review of Canada

Statement delivered to the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization on Behalf of the National Sovereign State of Borinken prepared by Prof. Francis A. Boyle, June 19, 2017

Queen Quet of the Gullah/Geechee Nation participates in the United Nations Ocean Conference on 5 to 9 June to spur action to improve the state of the world’s oceans.

Side-event, UN, Geneva, Self-Determination in Conflict Zones, March 15, 2017

Gullah/Geechee Leader Takes Sea Island Climate Change to the United Nations COP22 Conference
Queen Quet will have the opportunity to present the details of what the Gullah/Geechee communities are faced with in regard to protecting their culture which is on the front lines of sea level rise and climate change

Francis Boyle denounces “Fake Statehood Day” at Iolani Palace, Hawaii. He is author of Restoring the Kingdom of Hawaii: The Kanaka Maoli Route to Independence..

UN Working Group on Peoples of African Descent issues Report (A/HRC/33/61/Add.2) noting in particular that “There is a profound need to acknowledge that the transatlantic trade in Africans, enslavement, colonization and colonialism were a crime against humanity and are among the major sources and manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, Afrophobia xenophobia and related intolerance. Past injustices and crimes against African Americans need to be addressed with reparatory justice.” See full report

Statement delivered to the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization on Behalf of the National Sovereign State of Borinken by Prof. Francis A. Boyle, June 20, 2016

UN General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Trade
Dr. Francisca Torres Rivera of the University of Puerto Rico represented IHRAAM at the UN in New York, April 19-21, 2016.

UN Committee for Economic Social and Cultural Rights undertakes 6th review of Canada IHRAAM’s parallel (shadow) report was drafted by IHRAAM Consultant Kerry Coast and submitted to the Committee on January 22, 2016.

UN Working Group on People of African Descent Tours US meets with African American rights groups. IHRAAM Representative Onaje Muid presented in Baltimore on behalf of IHRAAM. See UNWG Report and IHRAAM intervention. January 2016

Combating Racism in the 21th Century commemorating the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. IHRAAM Representative Onaje Muid attended and presented at the event. His report is here.

State Department/DoE Civil Society Consultation IHRAAM has attended and participated in the State Department/Dept. of Education civil society review of education recommendations resulting from the US-UPR. IHRAAM representatives travelled to Washington to attend the July 20, 2015 meeting, as well as participating by phone. More

IHRAAM submits Observations for consideration by the Committee for the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination on the occasion of the 87th Session of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, with respect to Norway’s operating a hundred open-net-cage feedlots on the coast of British
Columbia, Canada, in unceded Indigenous Peoples’ territories, waters and homelands without consent. July 15, 2015.

IHRAAM submits LIl’wat Statement to the ICCPR’s HRC for its 6th review of Canada, June-July 2015. Text of the statement is posted on the ICCPR’s website here (under the subheading “info from civil society organizations (for the session)” under Canada. Read IHRAAM Consultant Kerry Coast’s very thorough Report on the HRC Review of Canada / Indigenous Nations

IHRAAM Delegation headed to GENEVA for US Universal Periodic Review by Human Rights Council

IHRAAM will hold a side-session at the UN Palais des Nations on May 7th, 2015, titled EMPOWERING BLACK COLLEGES: International Law, African American Development and Self-Determination.

SPEAKING TOUR: Petitioners, Loni Edmonds v. Canada. November 19-24, the Petitioners will visit five BC cities to speak about the LIl’wat case at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. View poster with places and dates here. Read Report on event here.

IHRAAM DIrector Francis Boyle addresses Hawaiian Governance Symposium, urging attendees to vote to restore the Kingdom of Hawaii at the forthcoming Convention, and leaders of Hawaiian self-governance initiativesto engage in collective
efforts to rebuild a Hawaiian nation. More here.

IHRAAM submits Alternative Report re UN Universal Periodic Review to the Human Rights Council.

The report addresses the situation of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and African American rights to education in general. It can be read here, and those wishing to cosponsor this report should go here.

Gullah/Geechee Leader Attends High Level Meeting, General Assembly, World Conference Indigenous Peoples.

IHRAAM Director Queen Quet has forwarded the final Declaration of the High Level Meeting, Blog post available soon.

IHRAAM Seminar INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS & EMPOWERING HBCUS was held at Clark Atlanta Unviersity on July 11, 2014. More

UN Special Committee on Decolonization Approves Text Supporting Puerto Rico’s ‘Inalienable Right to Self-Determination’
IHRAAM Director Francis A. Boyle addressed the Committee on June 23 on behave of the National Sovereign State of Borinken.