Written Intervention, Item 4, Racism, HRC 55th session, February-April, 2024

 March 19, 2024

Written Intervention, Item 9, Racism, HRC 52nd session, February-April, 2023

 March 29, 2023

Oral Update High Commissioner Nicaragua Thursday 15 December 2022

Interventions, 49th Session Item 4 – ID Venezuela

Interventions, 49th Session Special Debate: Ukraine

Interventions, 48th Session, Agenda item 3

Alaska and Hawaii, Non-Self-Governing Territories, issue diplomatic protests against the unilateral adoption of General Assembly resolution 1469 of 12 December 1959. 


IHRAAM statement on the inter-active dialogue on International Coercive Measures


Interventions, 47th Session, Agenda item 9

Interventions, 46th SESSION, March 2021. Agenda item 3

The Special Rapporteurs on the Right to Development, on Racism and on Human Rights Defenders and other relevant Special Procedures must be specifically mandated, including in the treaty body reform, to address the right of self determination

Interventions, 46th SESSION, Agenda item 4

Fact finding Mission:  Venezuela.  Intervention by Dr. Alfred de Zayas:  IHRAAM calls upon this Council to demand the lifting of the killer-sanctions on Venezuela.


The International Human Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM) is calling for the Human Rights Council to call upon the Government of India to address the dumping of toxic and hazardous waste into the Siachin Glaciers in Indian occupied Kashmir.  Ronald Barnes.


HIGH COMMISSIONER ORAL UPDATE ON VENEZUELA. IHRAAM concurs with the preliminary findings of the Special Rapporteur on Unilateral Coercive Measures, Professor Alena Douhan on her recent mission to Venezuela. Intervention by Prof. Alfred de Zayas

Interventions, 46th SESSION, Agenda item 6

The United States of America is called upon to implement the recommendations of previous cycles of the Universal Periodic Review, including treaty body or special procedure recommendations (State of Palestine 26.86)….The denial of the right of self-determination of Alaska and Hawaii and other Indigenous such as the Lakotas remains intact since there are no reservations and declarations of the USA on the right of self-determination.

Interventions, 46th SESSION, Agenda item 8

States, multi-national corporations and developers are placed on Notice that purchasing territory from occupation authorities and puppets and not from the free political institutions of peoples under foreign occupation, is invalid.

Interventions, 46th SESSION, Agenda item 9

The full implementation of theInternational Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) must be facilitated by an expressed request per Article 15 to allow for the admissibility of Petitions to the appropriate bodies of the United Nations.  Ronald Barnes

Interventions, 43rd to 45th Session, 2020

IHRAAM’s 2020 interventions to the Human Rights Council consist of 20 Oral interventions and 4 Written Statements as follows:

Arbitrary arrests and detention  (including children) in Indian Administered Jammu & Kashmir – 10 February 2020

The Crime of Genocide & The Indian Administered Jammu & Kashmir Scenario – 18 February 2020

44th Session Human Rights Council (HRC)

Covid-19 & The Indian Administered Jammu and Kashmir (IAJK) Situation – 23 June 2020

45th Session Human Rights Council

“International Day of Lockdown Territories”  Case Study: Indian Administered Jammu and Kashmir

(IAJK) – 21 September 2020